Many of you have been asking why we are not currently offering a Takeaway/Delivery service.
The simple answer is social distancing. In order to run the service we need at least five people which would have to include staff. The staff would have to be socially distancing whilst they are here, which is virtually impossible in a kitchen, hence such as McDonalds and Subway having to close.
Also some of our critical staff live with partners who are in a risk category; NHS employees and people in the latter stages of pregnancy. Our son Jack has been sent home from his work at Toyota, Deeside, where he has been in a factory full of people.
We feel he should be kept away from people for a least 8 days from his lay-off as we don’t want to risk spreading the virus in the village.
This week we have also been very busy ensuring that our staff & suppliers are paid and making plans to ensure we are here for our customers after all this is over.
We are still exploring ways to offer a food service of some sort, maybe as a shop or with frozen meals, in co-operation with some of our suppliers. Please be patient with us, we have your interests at heart in what we are trying to do but it all takes time and your safety is paramount to us.
We wish to thank the people who have volunteered to help us to set up whatever we can in the near future.